Bought this as a gift for my sister and her 6lb Yorkie. She fit right in for a standing cuddle. The hoodie itself runs a little small, so just an FYI on that when you make your purchase. Otherwise perfect for the person/dog with co-dependency issues.
,Samantha Crish
Perfect for a 6lb Yorkie
Bought this as a gift for my sister and her 6lb Yorkie. She fit right in for a standing cuddle. The hoodie itself runs a little small, so just an FYI on that when you make your purchase. Otherwise perfect for the person/dog with co-dependency issues.
,Samantha Crish
Perfect for a 6lb Yorkie
Bought this as a gift for my sister and her 6lb Yorkie. She fit right in for a standing cuddle. The hoodie itself runs a little small, so just an FYI on that when you make your purchase. Otherwise perfect for the person/dog with co-dependency issues.
,Samantha Crish
Perfect for a 6lb Yorkie
Bought this as a gift for my sister and her 6lb Yorkie. She fit right in for a standing cuddle. The hoodie itself runs a little small, so just an FYI on that when you make your purchase. Otherwise perfect for the person/dog with co-dependency issues.
Really neat sweatshirt!
This sweatshirt is so cool! I have 2 dogs, the one in the pic is 12 pounds. He has a large body and long legs and he fits! My little dog is 10 pounds and his body is more compact and he fits even better in it. The small fit me well and I am 5.8 and 120 lbs.